New Review on Readers Blog Post and Number one on the Bestseller list

Its such an honour when someone takes the time to review your work and share it on their blog post. Its even more a surprise and honour when your book goes to number 1 on the Kindle bestseller list on Amazon India in Romantic Suspense. Have a peek below. Also had the privilege of seeingContinue reading “New Review on Readers Blog Post and Number one on the Bestseller list”

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My New Work in Progress

I have finally cracked down and made a start on my new novel. The constant procrastination of finding excuses not to do the work has been like a virus that has been plaguing me over the last year, causing my mind to go into lockdown. Much like the lockdowns we have been suffering in 2020.Continue reading “My New Work in Progress”

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The Fracture of the Mind

The last time I was so shocked and saddened by the news of suicide was when I heard about Robin Williams the actor, who had killed himself by hanging himself at his home, after his bouts with mental stress and depression. And then yesterday, once again I went through similar emotions of shock and extremeContinue reading “The Fracture of the Mind”

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When I grow up, I want to be……

It’s what we as parents, teachers, friends, family members just love to ask our little ones, wanting to know if our child will be in line with the other children with ambitions that rise beyond the tallest skyscrapers and dreams to overflow the bank accounts with shit loads of money.  “My child wants to beContinue reading “When I grow up, I want to be……”

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